Baby Ray and the Ferns

How’s Your Bird?/The World’s Greatest Sinner


Runout A: DF-363-526 Δ 47201 (etched)
Runout B: DF-363-527 Δ 47201-X (etched)
Pressing Plant: Monarch Records Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, California
Material: Styrene?


I’m quite sure this has (MR) stamped in the run outs and that it’s made of styrene. If you own this single, I would appreciate if you could check and get back to me. The stamped (MR) can be very faint and quite hard to spot.

Probably a plain sleeve.

Label: Bengofury

Frank Zappa’s involvement


Frank Zappa wrote both tracks and played lead guitar, rhythm guitar, drums and percussion on “How’s Your Bird” and lead guitar, rhythm guitar and backing vocals on “The World’s Greatest Sinner”