
Great books about Frank Zappa’s 45s.


There are not many books about Frank Zappa’s singles, but there are two and both are great.


“Ancient Armaments: The Frank Zappa Singles Project” by Greg Russo which is a downloadable PDF book or print-on-demand, and “Vinyl is not dead it just smelly funny: Frank Zappa Singles” by Dieter Jakob which is a hardcover book.


These books are a must-have for collectors of singles. Read more about the books below and how to order them.

Ancient Armaments: The Frank Zappa Singles Project

From Crossfire Publications website:


“Greg Russo, author of “Cosmik Debris: The Collected History And Improvisations Of Frank Zappa,” has thoroughly researched and analyzed each Zappa-related single release from 1961 to the present. From the Pal Recording Studio era to The Mothers Of Invention to solo work and production/performance sessions, each commercial and promotional single is presented with the amount of detail and precision that FZ fans expect and deserve.


For each release, readers will discover:


how the single versions compare to other released mixes and edits,

the connections of the songs to other Zappa releases via quotes and/or conceptual continuity,

the live performances and releases of the songs with related material, and

the current availability of the mixes or versions involved.


If you think you’ve heard it all on Frank Zappa’s albums, what you’re missing out on his singles awaits you! This is your source for the missing pieces of the FZ puzzle.”


Head over to Crossfire Publications to get your downloadable copy for only $10 or a Amazon print-on-demand edition for $21.95.


be sure to check other Frank Zappa related books by Greg Russo.

Vinyl is not dead it just smells funny: Frank Zappa Singles

From Dieter Jakob:


”After more than 5 years of work, THE FRANK ZAPPA SINGLE BOOK is ready! The title is “VINYL IS NOT DEAD, IT JUST SMELLS FUNNY – THE FRANK ZAPPA SINGLES”.
A book in English language made from a collector for fans and lovers of Zappa’s work on vinyl. On 530 full colored pages, every single, maxi, and EP with Frank Zappa contribution is exposed, including more than 3000 color photos, many background information and a price guide. Furthermore you’ll find pictures of the rarest test pressings, acetates, cover and label variations, a price guide, and a lot of other weird stuff.”


Dieter Jakob got a few copies left, and you can obtain them for €65 by contacting him directly: