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ZappaFrenzy, The Frank Zappa singles discography


Welcome to ZappaFrenzy, the website that’s dedicated to Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention Singles and EPs.


Frank Zappa is maybe not the artist you would relate to a lot of single releases, but his single discography is actually quite big, even though he didn’t have many hits.

It started as early as 1961, when he co-wrote and played guitar on the song ‘Breaktime”, the b-side of a 7” by The Masters. He would appear on several releases from Pal Studio before we got the first single from The Mothers Of Invention, which was How Could I Be Such A Fool?/Help I’m A Rock, 3rd Movement: It Can’t Happen Here in 1966. New singles by Frank Zappa are still being released, and I don’t think we have seen the last one yet.


ZappaFrenzy has categorized almost every single/EP release and provides detailed pictures and information for you to enjoy. Be sure to check both the 7” and 12” categories.

For additional information, I recommend checking out the research section. Here you will find a few guides that may help you on your single collecting journey.


If you want to drop a message, got any questions or want to contribute, then don’t hesitate to head over to the contact form and send me a message, and if you’re on Facebook, you can join the ZappaFrenzy Facebook group.